Tuesday 28 October 2014

Going Whole Hog over our Car Rally

Well our first-ever ASK fundraiser is over and what a success it was! Almost a hundred people revved up their engines and followed the route through the beautiful fall-coloured hills and valleys that are King Township. They met a boxing champion, discovered a secret garden, dressed up as firemen, fed some horses, tasted home-grown honey, shook hands with Olympic heroes, drew pictures of fences, found a deadhouse, and generally had a wonderful time.
The comments reflected this. Organizers heard: "The best event I have ever attended!" "We may not have been the winning team but we sure had a winning day!" "Fantastic adventure!" "The final destination was a jaw-dropper!"
And indeed it was. The Bray Hill museum is an indescribable collection of cars and their accessories unlike any other. Guests were so mesmerized by the treasures that they hardly heard the bell calling them to line up for dinner. The meal  was a success too - succulent roast pig with sauces and salads,accompanied by local beer and followed by desserts from local bakeries.
The grand finale wass the awarding of prizes to our many winners. There were rally prizes for first place, second and third, for staying married throughout the event, being the first to arrive at the starting point,  following instructions to the letter. Even Mayor Steve Pellegrini won a prize - with his dad -  for the best dressed driver and navigator.
People went home satisfied that they had had a lovely fall drive, learned some new things about their community, enjoyed the company of friends, eaten well, and  had fun!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Art By Car

Some people have asked us,  "Why has an arts group chosen a car rally as a fundraiser?" Here are some answers:

For starters, ask any car collector  if the sleek design or hood ornament or tail fins of his/her particular "baby" is not art sublime, and get the answer loud and clear!
All that aside,because many of us drive last year's model - a little rust on the door edges,  some mud stains on the floor mats, a few crumbs in the seat cracks - there is art all around King Township. And those who join us on the Adventure Car Rally, Sunday October 19, are going to see it!

I can't really give away the locations, or those who read this blog would have an advantage at winning the amazing prizes offered. But let me tell you that there are outdoor sculptures and installations, there are paintings hung inside special places, there are well-known artists living all over our countryside. The route will take participants to and through many of these one-of-a-kind creations.And the last stop, the car memorabilia museum, is an inspired, imaginative collection of treasures.

Besides that, a tour of King on a fall day will reveal the artistic talent of Mother Nature - rolling hills, lush meadows, kettle lakes, and the glorious colours of the changing leaves. This day will leave you convinced that you live in the most well-composed, harmonious place in the world. Be there.


Wednesday 27 August 2014

Fall Out Of Your Routine

I have always thought of fall as a little bit sad: the days are cooler, the sun shines less, gardens begin to show signs of aging, and the routine of the work-school year begins again.
And yet, here at ASK things seem to be gearing up. Excitement is definitely in the air! Emails fly across the screen, ideas are shared, meetings are schedule at all hours.Here are just a few of the  plans brewing:

The annual Schomberg Village Street Gallery has a new look. First of all, although the word village has been removed from the name, (SSG is the new acronym), the village concept is more in the foreground. The main street has been closed to traffic for this one-day event, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 14,  allowing visitors to stroll along, mingle with the artists and other visitors and enjoy a meal or a coffee at one of the street-side cafes. Artists have been attracted to this new concept and over 40 have signed up ,including several new ones. This means a greater variety of talent for you to enjoy.

Another evening in our popular Travei Diary series is coming up on September 24. Guests will have the opportunity to trek up into the Himalayan mountains, enjoy breathtaking views, visit with the Gabbi  shepherds and their sheep, and hear words of wisdom from the Dalai Lama - all from the comfort of a chair at the King city library!

And, to save the very best for last - our first-ever fundraiser is an event not to be missed! ASK For A Ride is an adventure car rally like no other. Rev up your engine and enjoy a trip through King Township with new eyes as you search for clues and hidden treasures. Finish your day at a car memorabilia museum - open by invitation only! Then sit down to a feast - succling pig roasted before your eyes, fresh salads and local desserts, beer and wine, and PRIZES!

For any more information or to register, give Jane a call at 905-8939-9357  or - just click back to our ASK home page. See you soon!!

Sunday 17 August 2014

Orange cones and yellow sunsets

Access to the King Museum is somewhat hampered these days by large yellow diggers and rusty dump trucks doing sewer work along King Road. But you CAN get in -Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10-4 pm. Just pretend you are at a driver training course and wend your way around the orange cones into the parking lot. It is well worth a visit.

The current art show is a teaser for the upcoming Schomberg Street Gallery September 14. Each of several artists in the SSG has contributed a piece of work for this show. And, although the subjects are somewhat traditional, the renderings are astounding in their originality.

Take sunsets - a favourite among visual artists. Here you see: the bold colours of a city sunset with the CN Tower standing tall in the middle, the soft hues over a Scottish moor with a stark rock formation in the foreground, peaceful sunsets over calm water - Lake Huron, and a coastal rendition with a greenish sky,

There are several paintings with a natural theme, another favourite of artist in King who live in the country and appreciate its attributes: bright fuscia bleeding hearts, pond lilies surrounding a single pink bud, an iconic King field full of tall grasses, a prairie field with finely detailed birch trees, a sheep so soft you want to pat him, a dog waiting outside for its owner to step through the door and take him for a walk. Two artists use gold in their work - a butterfly painted on gold leaf and a winning King horse in a golden hue. Well there is one other dog, a poodle, who is on a trip out of the country, and into the city to buy Pucci and Wroolf Lauren.

There are only two portraits in the show. They are presented side by side, uniquely different and yet very much alike - with their captivating eyes, their seductively-long hair, and their provocative mouths, speaking to the observer and saying...what?

There are two artists who work in wood, and one potter, showing bowls and a zipper. Yes a zipper - and it is partly unzipped. But no touching! There is an abstract called "Synchronicity" which calls out for individual interpretation. And one of my favourites - "Contentment"  - a wedge of cheese, a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine. Time to go home and open the pinot grigio.


Friday 1 August 2014

ASK Festival King is a wrap for 2014

Oh but we are not taking a vacation! Not at all.... our ASK staff are working just as hard as ever to prepare more fun-filled activites for you and your family to enjoy the arts in King Township.
Let me give you a sneak preview of some of the things we are planning for the fall:

 First of all, another in our crowd-pleasing Trave Diary Series - on August 20th at 7 pm. This one is a repeat of a very successful presentation - travelling around Europe in a camper-van - husband and wife still married after 5 months and 30 countries! Another bit of excitement at this show is that the actual camper van is a guest for the eveninng - sitting in the parking lot and waiting for your inspection.

September 14tth brings back the always-popular Schomberg Street Gallery, with a new twist this year - a one-day show with the main street closed to cars! Attendees at the gallery will get to amble along Main Street, stopping at booths and tents, talking to the artists, doing a little shopping, and maybe visiting a restaurant to enjoy a glass of wine or a meal.

As for October - well that is usually the time that ASK takes a break to slow down and re-group. But not this year - Instead we are "gearing up" for an adventure car rally like no other! ASK For a Ride - Sunday October 19th. Mark your calendar and get your car tuned up for an afternoon of excitement, challenges, and surprises!

Wait for my next blog to find out more details.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

ASK Festival King in Full Swing!

This is the 9th year for our ASK summer festival - and we have made a few changes: First of all, in order to save on postage, we distributed our brochure inside the June issue of King MOSAiC. So far so good!
Second, we have condensed the Festival into 2 weeks - with a different event, workshop, or activity each day. This makes it easier for participants to plan around vacatiions, and for the hard-working volunteers at ASK to keep track of everything. Also good!
Third, we have tried to expand our horizons and focus on a variety of arts as well as heritage and nature. So if you don't paint, you can make jewellery, write a travel journal, or go on a hike. You can tour a sculpture garden,  weave a basket, or listen to stories from space. You can change up your summer with new creative activities.
Hope to see you in the next two weeks. Very good!

Thursday 19 June 2014

Seeing Red

The next time you walk into the King Museum you will see red for sure. And it will not be with any feelings of anger, but with surprise and amazement as you study all the different artistic interpretations of the colour.
There are the expected examples - roses and tulips looking freshly picked as they stand tall on the canvas. There are visions of Canadian countryside - PEI sands, dazzlling  sunsets, crowing roosters on the prairies. There is farm produce - apples and beets and tomatoes. There are rich red glass platters and bowls. And there is the shocking gorilla staring at you with his blood-red eyes, daring you to buy him and take him home to sit on your sofa.
As you turn to leave the "Seeing Red" exhibition, have a look at  the "Landed" exhibit on the other wall. Here Italian families, having arrived in Canada in the 1950's, are fitting into their new lives - building railroads, playing instruments, learning English, having family picnics, playing soccer. The title could easily be "Seeing Opportunity"

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Bunnies and Brown

I stopped in to see the kids' art class at the King Township Museum on Saturday morning. The topic was 'bead buddies." I didn't know what to expect, but found the instructor explaining how to make animal shapes using different coloured beads in a pattern. One little girl named Julie Ann was working intently, making a little bunny. I asked if the bunny had a name. Silly me. Of course it had. "Sally," she told me.

Sally and Julie Ann became close friends as soon as the last bead was in place and the last knot was tied. Sally was going home with Julie Ann and her new home would be a perch on top of a much-loved back pack. As I watched Julie Ann interact with her creation, I was struck by the strong bond between kids and art. They embrace it in a personal way that few adults can. They concentrate with their whole being. For them art is work, not play. They are learning several skills all at once: hand-eye co-ordination, the colour spectrum, geometry and, above all,  self-expression.

I have often observed my 2 year-old grandaughter at her easel. She clenches the marker or the paint brush tightly in her fist, and she screws her face up in a look of determination that adults only exhibit at a betting table with high stakes. She focuses entirely on the paper as she makes lines, circles, and dots, creating a design that only she can identify. She grabs the brown marker. "Oh brown!! she squeals. "I didn't use  brown for a long time!" She whips off the top and makes huge brown spirals in the centre of her page.

How glorious it would be if only adults had that much enthusiasm fot the brown things in life.

Monday 12 May 2014

Mellow Yellow

The weather tells us it's spring and if you want to be assured, you should visit the Mellow Yellow exhibit at the King museum.
As you walk in the door you will be transported to sunset beaches and gently rolling waves. Footprints along the shore lead you to a restful Muskoka chair and a glass of wine.
In another room, bright tulips and sunflowers shout summer. Fluffy dandelions wave gently in a field of grasses. Meadows of wheat call out for a picnic lunch.Summer is definitely in the air.
A young girl visiting the exhibit decides to try her hand at re-creating a sunset beach. She gleefully mixes gobs of yellow and orange and smears the result generously on to the paper. She adds a lake of purple and blue at the bottom and seems pleased with the result. She plans to return another day to try another summer sketch.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Behind the Scenes

Dear ASK Friends;
Well you may not have seen much publicity about ASK events recently, but, behind the scenes, there are dozens of staff and volunteers, scampering around like energizer bunnies, planning interesting things for you to do this Spring, Summer and Fall.

First up we have our annual Studio Tour, April 26-27. This is an opportunity for you to travel around King Township on a Lovely Sunny Weekend. You get to visit artists in their own home studios and talk to them in person about their work. Often they provide water or coffee, although no comments please about any dirty dishes you may notice in their sinks!

Next is another evening in our Travel Diary series, Wednesday April 30. This is a unique night of conversation at the Nobleton Library with a university student, Montana Mortimer, who recently went on a Queen's University exchange for 5 months. During that time she travelled around her home base of Australia, and in her free time she skipped over to neighbouring New Zealand and Southeast Asia, for some travelling and photographing there.

On May 3rd we have the opening of our 3rd art show at the King Museum, "Mellow Yellow." This show will be on display Tuesdays through Saturdays until June 10th. Come and see how our artists interpret that bright sunny colour. If you visit on opening day, you'll have a chance to meet the artists themselves. AND there will be refreshments.

In your mailbox on June 3rd you will find the summer issue of King MOSAiC. The cover may shock you, and the contents will entertain, inform, and educate. Inside the magazine you will find your ASK Festival King brochure. Read it and discover lots of interesting workshops, and unique tours and events to keep you busy every day from July 10 to July 24.

Ah but we are not done! On September 14th we'll hold the Schomberg Street Gallery. The entire Main Street of Schomberg will be closed off and artists' booths will line the curbs.
And Finally -  in October we have an AMAZING event for you to enter. We can't say much yet, but get those cars tuned up and ready!

Hope to see you soon at one of our many events. And now I have run out of space.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Wake Up From Winter!

Dear Arts Friends;
If this ongoing damp, dreary weather is making you feel listless, and lethargic, don't take extra vitamins; go to the King Township Museum! Take in the Going Green Art show instead.
As you walk in the door, your mind will be awakened by the bright purple crocuses, brilliant red poppies, and glorious happy sunflowers. Your soul will be soothed as you gaze upon calm northern lakes and meandering river swollen with lush green reeds. Your feet will long to wander through sun-dappled woodland paths. You will envy the black bear as he lumbers along on rocks warmed by the sun. Your heart will be touched by the baby lambs chasing one another through green pastures, and the ducklings having their first swim. Your imagination will be awakened as you study the wooden bowls and vases hand carved from trees in our own backyards. Your funny bone will be tickled at the trio of bugs sporting furry eyebrows, scales, whiskers, and antennae.
Yes folks, it's time to put away those wooly socks and comforters. The very best of Ontario's changing seasons is upon us. Visit the Going Green art show at the Museum and Wake Up!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Delivering Art by Auto

This week's challenge was for our ASK volunteers to deliver our quarterly magazine, King MOSAiC, to post offices, businesses, coffee shops, libraries, and advertisers.
We encountered the expected obstacles of winter: icy driveways, slippery sidewalks, snow-covered signage, snow piles in parking spaces.

Often we would fight our way to the front door, knock loudly, and then find nobody home! It seems that many businesses: garden centres and patio restaurants for example,  are seasonal in King, and their owners, like so many others, have gone away for the winter. Who could blame them really?

Other obstacles for our delivery persons are more tempting in nature. It is hard to leave copies of MOSAiC at a bakery without buying a little bite of biscotti, a butter tart, or maybe a chicken panini. One of the delivery routes takes the driver right past the Hwy 89 Outlet Mall! For heaven's sake, who could resist a little shopping for some bargain clothes?
Another problem for our drivers always is vague directions: "Go up the 7th concession to approximately the 5th driveway on the left, or maybe it is the 6th. Anyway, you will see the little red mailbox on the side of the driveway. (Unfortunately covered in snow). Another direction: "Leave them at Mr. Clean." ?? Turned out to be a laundromat!

But the most exciting delivery story comes from a new delivery person, out with a friend for a country drive on a sunny day. At their first stop the driver left the car door open, went to the front entrance with her copies of the magazine, and knocked loudly. She was greeted by 5, yes FIVE dogs, all yapping excitedly and racing towards her  car. They hurled themselves inside the car, a new model with leather seats.The friend sat frozen in fear as the driver got them all out and shut the car door. Then the friend screamed out the window - there's still one left in the back!!

Our volunteer delivery drivers deserve a lot  of credit for taking their personal time to deliver your copy of King MOSAiC. We hope you enjoy it!
PS  - If you didn't get a copy, go to kingmosaic.ca and see our magazine online

Friday 14 March 2014

Hello arts communities everywhere.
Well spring will be arriving in the Toronto area in just a few days, but who would know it? Our recent winter storm created havoc on the roads, for workplaces, and with our social lives. We just can't seem to get away from it!
One such casualty is our Arts Society King annual St. Patrick's Limerick event. Cancelled. Although we planned to hold it in a cozy room with a big warm fireplace,  the area is called Cold Creek! Nobody going anywhere that even Sounds like cold these days.
So to cheer you up, a little limerick about the winter:

The trees are still brittle and dead.
The snowbanks are tall as your head.
The roads are still icy and no one feels nicey -
We all want to just stay in bed!

We long for a sense of the Spring,
The buds that warm weather will bring.
But until the snow geos and the river bed flows -
We won't see a single green thing!

Happy St. Patrick's Day evernone and  -
The Top o' the Mornin' To Ye!


Friday 7 March 2014

WELCOME to our new ASK Blog!

This blog is being created to help you learn about the offerings of arts, heritage and nature which are available, attractive, and affordable in King Township.
As the recently elected president of Arts Society King, (ASK) , I plan to post here weekly about events and activities that take place in our community. King, recently dubbed by some as "the playground north of the city," offers a lot of interesting diversions for those who live here, and those who want a break from urban complexity, and traffic congestion!.

For example, this weekend marks the end of our first annual Winter Bites. After an unprecedented winter of ice storms, drifting snow and blowing cold winds, what could be better than a cozy chair and a hot bowl of home-made soup or fresh pasta lovingly created  by a culinary artist? The surroundings? -  a crackling fireplace,  provocative  art work, and musical entertainment. This is definitely the recipe for a perfect winter evening in one of our local restaurants, with a fixed price menu and lots of choices.
For more information go to our newly renovated website at artssocietyking.ca

Next week I will share some poetry with you. No, not academic achievement, but rather -  local, lyrical, and sometimes lusty - limericks. Stay in touch!