Tuesday 28 October 2014

Going Whole Hog over our Car Rally

Well our first-ever ASK fundraiser is over and what a success it was! Almost a hundred people revved up their engines and followed the route through the beautiful fall-coloured hills and valleys that are King Township. They met a boxing champion, discovered a secret garden, dressed up as firemen, fed some horses, tasted home-grown honey, shook hands with Olympic heroes, drew pictures of fences, found a deadhouse, and generally had a wonderful time.
The comments reflected this. Organizers heard: "The best event I have ever attended!" "We may not have been the winning team but we sure had a winning day!" "Fantastic adventure!" "The final destination was a jaw-dropper!"
And indeed it was. The Bray Hill museum is an indescribable collection of cars and their accessories unlike any other. Guests were so mesmerized by the treasures that they hardly heard the bell calling them to line up for dinner. The meal  was a success too - succulent roast pig with sauces and salads,accompanied by local beer and followed by desserts from local bakeries.
The grand finale wass the awarding of prizes to our many winners. There were rally prizes for first place, second and third, for staying married throughout the event, being the first to arrive at the starting point,  following instructions to the letter. Even Mayor Steve Pellegrini won a prize - with his dad -  for the best dressed driver and navigator.
People went home satisfied that they had had a lovely fall drive, learned some new things about their community, enjoyed the company of friends, eaten well, and  had fun!

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